Teaching Activities
ID | Type | Title |
184.260 | VL 4.0 | Distributed Systems Technologies |
184.159 | VL 2.0 | Software Architecture |
184.167 | LU 2.0 | Verteilte Systeme (Distributed Systems Lab) |
184.153 | VU 2.0 | Distributed Systems Engineering |
184.715 | PR 6.0 | Projekt aus Software Engineering & Internet Computing |
184.230 | PR 4.0 | Projektpraktikum (before winter term 2012/13) |
184.233 | PR 4.0 | Informatikpraktikum 1 (before winter term 2012/13) |
184.232 | PR 4.0 | Informatikpraktikum 2 (before winter term 2012/13) |
184.254 | PR 4.0 | Praktikum aus Internet Computing (before winter term 2012/13) |
184.242 | PR 4.0 | Freifachpraktikum |
184.201 | PR 4.0 | Seminar mit Bachelorarbeit |
If you are interested in doing a "Praktikum" or Master's thesis, do not hesitate to contact me.
Here you can find an overview of the research fields at our group, together with some current thesis topics and general information.
(Co-)Advised Student Projects
Name | Title | Type | Status |
Thomas Rausch | Predictive Analytics for Continuous Integration Workflows in Software Engineering (working title) | Master's Thesis | Finished |
Oliver Hanappi | Testing Idempotence and Convergence of Automatic Configuration Scripts | Master's Thesis | Finished |
Michael Osl | Cloud Computing Adaptation as a Service | Master's Thesis | Finished |
Richard Leopold | PieShare - A distributed file sharing and synchronization service | Bachelor's Thesis | Finished |
Svetoslav Videnov | PieShare - A distributed file sharing and synchronization service | Bachelor's Thesis | Finished |
Simon Osim | "One-Touch" NFC-Initiated File Sharing for Android | Bachelor's Thesis | Finished |
Dominik Rauch | Scalable and Efficient XML DOM Parsing - Midway between SAX and DOM | Praktikum | Finished |
Alexandra Chirita | Web-Browser Based Distributed Data Processing | Bachelor's Thesis | Finished |
Oliver Hanappi | Customizable Test Coverage Criteria for Web Service Compositions | Bachelor's Thesis | Finished |
Andrea Floh | Dependable Event Processing over High Frequency Data Streams | Master's Thesis | Finished |
Michael Strasser | A Cloud-Based Simulation Environment for Scalable Event Processing Platforms | Master's Thesis | Finished |
Martin Kirchner | Executing Ad-Hoc Web Service API Coverage Queries in MongoDB/MapReduce | Praktikum | Finished |
Sebastian Burgstaller | The Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern | Bachelor's Thesis | Finished |
Gilbert Fritz | Design and Implementation of a SOA Test Bed for a Mid-Sized Company | Praktikum | Finished |
Eduard Szente | Efficient Distributed Computation of Web Services API Coverage Metrics | Master's Thesis | Finished |
Michael Racz | Web-Based Inspection and Management of Topologies in a Distributed System | Praktikum | Finished |
Michael Vodep | System zur Feuerwehr-Einsatzverwaltung (in German) | Praktikum | Finished |
Daniel Domberger | Testbed for Web Service Data Aggregation in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) | Praktikum | Finished |
Michael Starzinger | Preprocessor for Web Services Data Aggregation Query Language | Praktikum | Finished |